Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Adjusting Brain to Get Back into Routine

I like going away. The only problem is it takes a bit of time to get back into work habits. This time, I have also returned with a horrible cough, so ended up spending my last day-off sleeping till 2 in the afternoon, and even now, not feeling particularly productive, so this will be a rest day while I catch up on reading some of the blogs. Of course I haven't forgotten my book or my characters. I think about them. They remain in my head. But that's a pleasant pass-time. Now I need to return to doing actual writing/editing. Hopefully, by end of this week, I will start. Considering editing of my NaNo novel, I think the edits will need much longer time for what I want to accomplish, so I certainly need to write something else alongside. Still trying to figure out, which book I am going to choose (I have two stories in mind), and how exactly I am going to do it. Meanwhile, I am at least working towards one of my goals - to read 75 books.


  1. Well bummer about the cough...I hope you feel better soon. Sucks to have that drain on your energy.

    I decided to take a revision course, so my novel will take longer to revise as well. Good luck with working out your schedule for writing/editing - that's where I'm at now too. Gotta keep writing new words along with editing the old!

  2. Good luck getting back into the swing of things. I'm having a lazy go of getting back into the routine.

  3. Welcome back! Sorry you're sick. Maybe you can use it as an excuse to get more reading in. :-)

    Good luck getting back into the editing/writing routine.

  4. I hope you feel better. I was fighting that crap for weeks! It's finally gone, thankfully.

    Good luck with getting back into writing, and also reading all those books :o)
