Saturday, 31 October 2009

NaNo Arsenal at the Ready

I am as ready for NaNo as I am ever going to be. Well, there are things I could do, but then that will always be the case. So anyway....getting to the point....interested in finding out what's in my arsenal to kick NaNoWriMo butt?
  1. Outline - My outline is finally complete. It's somewhere between a phase outline and a scene outline. I just came up with it based on all the various methods I had learned over time. It is fairly detailed, and I am hoping that because of it I will have far less plot holes than I usually do. If I find it effective then I will do a detailed post about the method after NaNo is finished.
  2. Finn - you know Finn. :) Shiny new netbook. I expect I will be using that at home as well, so I won't have to keep transferring stuff between computers.
  3. Liquid Story Binder & MS Word & Excel - Excel for word count spreadsheet. My outline is created in MS Word, and I will probably do some writing in it as well, and varify the word count. Liquid Story Binder is the new writing software I have downloaded. I prefer it over y-Writer, because to me y-Writer looks quite dated, where LSB has more modern, customizable appearance, and the screens and everything look more similar to MS Word. But what I like about it most is that you can have many windows open at the same time, and you can organise them as you like - overlaping, side by side etc. For small netbook screen, I find it gives me bigger screen than MS Word.
  4. Coffee - *drool*
  5. Coke - Just in case I need cold caffeine
  6. Food - chocolates, crisps, brownies, and to compensate for all that junk one tiny pot of healthy seeds

AND Most Importantly...

7. A Great Deal of Enthusiasm

So what's in your NaNo Arsenal?

P.S. Three and a Half Hours To Go before NaNoWriMo starts


  1. My head, my novel soundtrack, my NaNo blog (were I will write the first draft) and of course my tired computer.

  2. My outline isn't finished, and there's a good chance that the edits on my recently sold novella will start soon. NaNo may not be as productive as I'd hoped... ;-)


  3. My outline, character sheet, PC, Word Perfect, yWriter5, Twizzlers, Sprite, Arizona Iced Tea, Grapes, Kit Kat and sadly enough an ice pack for when the rheumatoid arthritis starts causing problems, especially swelling.

  4. ralfast,
    How is it going?

    Shame about NaNo, but of course editing the novella for publication is important.

    Great arsenal. Good luck :-)

  5. Will start in an about half an hour. Decided that sleep was a better strategy than a starting off at midnight.

  6. Dang girl, you are all over the NaNo prep!

    This is the first year I did actually prep for it a little, but my bf was in town visiting from across the country so my focus was on him.

    But he left on Day 1 so I'm off and running.

    I never outline, but I strongly believe in the idea and hope to try it someday! :D
