Wednesday, 30 September 2009
85 Hacks to Help Your Freelance Writing Career
Monday, 28 September 2009
A Hobby to Replace a Hobby
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Writers Bureau Progress
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Short Stories Vs. Flash Fiction
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Procrastinating - CAN'T STOP
Writing Advice from Professionals
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Keeping Journals
Need an Inspiration or Challenge?
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Book Review: The Year Zero
Monday, 14 September 2009
Paradise of Ghosts - AW Blog Chain
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Afraid? Who Me?
Friday, 11 September 2009
A Day That Rocked The World
A Brand New Blog
Thursday, 10 September 2009

- Tell us your favourite superhero and why
- Copy the badge and post it to your blog
- Present the badge to five other worthy bloggers
- Post links to five people you nominate
- Comment on their pages to let them know they have been nominated
My favourite superhero: Superman. He is just one cool dude. Not to mention one superhero who doesn't act like a tortured teenager caught in emotional drama. Ok, I am not a big fan of pants outside part, but still with all his confident personality on one side and shy, reserved side as a Clarke Kent, and his burning torch for one woman - he represents all the good stuff: a guy next door, who isn't just nice and dull. A bit of adventure, a bit of mystery, and a bit of romance.
Five people I nominate - my criteria of selection is based on regular "blogmans" who post consistently, and keep us updated:
- Jenna - As the Plot Thickens
- C R Ward - Random Thoughts
- Jamie - The Variety Pages
- Lady Glamis - The Innocent Flower
- Jim Harrington - Quotes on Writing
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Honest Scrap Award

- Getting blog awards make me very happy, because it tells me that someone likes my blog enough to make that effort.
- I don’t mind Starbucks taking over the world. Despite my love of travel and experiencing different cultures, I like the consistency of taste in my coffee
- I am very possessive of my things and of my time.
- If Virtual Reality technology comes to full force in my life-time, there will be trouble, because I love dreaming. Living in dream world is much easier than working to make the dreams come true.
- I get cravings for chocolates and for spicy food. Usually not at the same time.
- I want to see a whole shelf in a book shop, with my name on the books.
- While essentials of my personality remain unchanged, I am still trying to figure out my values and beliefs – they have changed considerably from teenage to adult phase.
- I hate phones. The only thing I like about a mobile phone is that I can use it for SMS.
- I love Taco Bell’s Hot Sauce. I get my family to bring bags over every time they see me, and I always bring some back when I go to USA. I can use that sauce with practically anything. (I have run out, and won’t get more till December. L)
- I have never tried any alcoholic drinks, and never been tempted. The control freak in me doesn’t want to weaken my mental state by drinking.
There are plenty of good blogs I follow and plenty that inspire me and teach me a lot, but as this award is for honesty, I am passing it on to three people whom I feel I have come to know because of their blogs. Their posts reflect their voice. It makes me feel that I know them as more than some blogger miles away. It makes them stand out as a person, each unique and individual. Jamie @ Variety Pages: I know she has already been nominated by C R, but she still gets my nomination. With her regular posts on updates of her goals, progresses and stumbles, and chapters of her writing, her blog is full of her honest journey as a writer, and as a person. Adam @ The Editing Hat: He writes, he screams, he babbles, he shares his joys and troubles, and he celebrates other people’s successes on his blog. There is nothing pretentious about his blog – just pure Adam. Eric @ Working My Muse: He shares his journey with the rest of us, and in the process raises interesting questions. Sometimes he knows the answers, and sometimes he doesn’t, but he still makes us think. His blog reflects the knowledge he is gathering as a writer, and the passion he has for writing.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
What Will I Write This Month?
While I let the ideas gather in my head for my fantasy novel, it’s time to attempt something I have procrastinated on for a long while. I have always fancied travel writing. At least I think I have, because I haven’t actually tried it. My experience of travel writing is this:
- When I was 13, I went on a tour from school. We were invited to write an essay about it, and the best one (mine) was selected to be published in the school magazine.
- I have been keeping travel journals for last few trips.
That’s not much to go by, especially because I know my travel journals aren’t nearly as good as I would like them to be. I am improving, but not there yet. So is travel writing for me? I have no idea. I like to think so, because I love travelling, so combining my love of writing with that of travel seems like a perfect plan. I have postponed trying it for a long time, so this month, while I am bit stuck regarding my word target, I make a public proclamation that I will give it a go. So few small goals to begin with: Deadline: 13/09/09 Finish journaling Berlin trip Plan at least 2 travel articles Write at least 1 of them Wish me luck for this new venture.
Monday, 7 September 2009
Resisting the Temptation
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Do You Read Enough?
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Picture Writing Prompt
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
A Dose of Inspiration
- In most branches of human endeavor there is said to be a right and a wrong way of doing things. In writing there can only be your way, whether you pose as an aesthete, or whether you frankly admit you write for money. - Jack Woodford
- Do not hesitate to give your hero lusts of the flesh, dark passions, impulses to evil; for these dark powers, fused with their opposites - the will to good, the moral impulses, the power of the spirit - will do to your character precisely what the opposite powers of fire and water do to the sword blade. - William Foster-Harris
- Writing is very much like bricklaying. You learn to put one brick on top of another and spread the mortar so thick. - Red Smith
- The novel of a thousand pages begins with a single scene. - James Scott Bell
- When you steal from one author it's plagiarism; if you steal from many, it's research. - Wilson Mizner
- Let your characters have their way. Let your secret life be lived. Then at your leisure, in the succeeding weeks, months or years, you let the story cool off and then, instead of rewriting, you relive it. - Ray Bradbury