Thursday, 10 September 2009


I have permission to post this cool badge from Eric. It was created based on an initial discussion on what does BLOG stand for, and creative responses to it. It's way cool, and so we are passing it around. As always there are rules to follow:
  1. Tell us your favourite superhero and why
  2. Copy the badge and post it to your blog
  3. Present the badge to five other worthy bloggers
  4. Post links to five people you nominate
  5. Comment on their pages to let them know they have been nominated

My favourite superhero: Superman. He is just one cool dude. Not to mention one superhero who doesn't act like a tortured teenager caught in emotional drama. Ok, I am not a big fan of pants outside part, but still with all his confident personality on one side and shy, reserved side as a Clarke Kent, and his burning torch for one woman - he represents all the good stuff: a guy next door, who isn't just nice and dull. A bit of adventure, a bit of mystery, and a bit of romance.

Five people I nominate - my criteria of selection is based on regular "blogmans" who post consistently, and keep us updated:

  1. Jenna - As the Plot Thickens
  2. C R Ward - Random Thoughts
  3. Jamie - The Variety Pages
  4. Lady Glamis - The Innocent Flower
  5. Jim Harrington - Quotes on Writing


  1. This is one of the coolest awards I've seen out there. Awesome fun! Thank you so much! It'll be a bit before I can get it up, but I can't wait!

  2. Aw, thank you! I'll get it up on the weekend (even though you stole one of my nominees :-p)

  3. Ah C R, that's the price we pay for this circular networking. We know all the bloody same people. :P
