Monday, 27 April 2009
Pen Names

Friday, 24 April 2009
Short Story Challenge - Further Details
- It will be a monthly challenge. Beginning on 1st day of every month and ending on the last. You are encouraged to start on the 1st, but if you are super-fast story writer, you can start any time.
- The purpose is to have one story completed, revised, editted and ideally submitted by the end of the month.
- Submission - you don't have to post your story here, or on any blog or online. The submission refers to actual paying publications.
- The purpose behind the monthly challenge is that if we write and submit one story per month, we increase our chances of having fiction published greatly. Regardless of what other writing you do or don't do, you know that every month you will have one thing to send to an editor.
- To participate and encourage - post comments on the beginning of the month in the challenge post (I will put one up every month), say you have started, give some details if you like. You can mention your progress, encourage others. If you finish it let us know.
- For those who would like to be encouraged on their own blog, just put a challenge post on your own blog, and leave the link in my comments section so anyone who wishes to come and encourage you, can easily find you.
P.S: Those who have recently signed up, I will add your names to the participants list shortly.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Ripped to Shreds (I am so happy)
Lemonade Award

Nominator - Eric
Nominate ten blogs and let them know they have been nominated Ok this, I will have to follow in installments. Most of the writing blogs I look at are by professionals. I think this award should go to hard-working novice writers, who make their blogs entertaining/useful to others. So I will nominate a few people now...and more later, as I get to know more people. (no one ever became great by following rules completely, so you got to bend them a little)
Adam's blog, my muse is a vampire, is always entertaining with his special British wordings. I can actually imagine him sitting at his desk saying "bah" to his computer.
Justus' blog, Across the Multiverse, specializes in sci-fi/fantasy. Since I love sci-fi/fantasy, I enjoy reading his blog.
Jenna's blog, As The Plot Thickens, is another fun read.
More nominations promised later...now, I really need to go and actually write something.
Monday, 20 April 2009
Writing Plan for 2009

Sunday, 19 April 2009
Writing Sunday
- finish re-write of the novella (only the beginning is there)
- further writing on the novella
- do another edit on the short-story
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Where has the day gone?

Friday, 17 April 2009
Short Story Challenge

Thursday, 16 April 2009
A Handy Editing Checklist
Radio Station for Writers

Wednesday, 15 April 2009
First Paid Publication in Print Magazine

Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Book Advance
Writers Bureau Assignments

Friday, 10 April 2009
Importance of Outline

Finally a post after days of writing

So what's finished:
- Writers Bureau Assignment 5, completed and sent
- Novella plotted, outlined
- Skeleton draft of Novella completed
Other things in progress:
- Edit of a short story
- Research on various aspects of writing, market research
- Reviewing information for WIP novels to do a proper outline before doing any further haphazard writing
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Write or Die

Friday, 3 April 2009
Naming Characters

Thursday, 2 April 2009
Writing Goals for April

- Finish writers bureau assignment 5, 6, 7 (they will have to be edited and submitted too)
- Edit and submit a short story from assignment 4
- Edit and submit two flash fiction pieces
- Submit at least 5 articles on Suite101
- Plot a novella, create an outline, and start working on it
- Work on WIP novel
It is pretty ambitious for an evening/weekend writer, but since I have a 10 days holiday over Easter, I am really aiming to get a good chunk of this done then.
I will stick to it...I will stick to it...I will stick to it....I will...I will...I will...
Waiting, Waiting, and Waiting Some More...

Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Indian History Articles

Writers Bureau Assignment