Friday 10 April 2009

Finally a post after days of writing

I was on a self-imposed ban from posting anything on this blog, until I had at least finished some of my writing goals. I am happy to say that this easter break has been productive, though not as much as I would like, but then my task lists are always unrealistically long. Still, overall, I know by the time I am forced to give up my wonderful night shift of writing and have to get up at times that I currently go to bed at, I will have the contentment that I always get after productive writing sessions.

So what's finished:

  • Writers Bureau Assignment 5, completed and sent
  • Novella plotted, outlined
  • Skeleton draft of Novella completed

Other things in progress:

  • Edit of a short story
  • Research on various aspects of writing, market research
  • Reviewing information for WIP novels to do a proper outline before doing any further haphazard writing


  1. Wow, you've been a busy bunny! :-)

  2. Yeah, free days to just write are rare for me, so making the best of it before going back to work.
